Degree Requirements
BM • Instrumental Music Studies
The 4-year undergraduate Bachelor of Music (B.M.) in Music Studies degree leads to all-level music teacher certification in public schools. In addition to extensive training in music teaching and learning, students take lessons in their primary instrument, participate in ensembles and receive comprehensive instruction in music theory and music history. Music Studies majors also complete the university’s core curriculum.
Administrative Contacts
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Scholarships & Assistantships
Academic Advisor for Music
Assistant Director for Admissions
Operations & Scheduling
Brass, Woodwind & Percussion Faculty
Nathaniel O. Brickens
Professor of Trombone -
Thomas Burritt
Associate Director, Butler school of Music
Professor of Percussion -
Jonathan F. Gunn
Associate Professor of Clarinet -
Caleb Hudson
Associate Professor of Trumpet -
Patrick Hughes
Associate Professor of Horn -
Richard Huntley
Lecturer in Percussion -
Kristin Wolfe Jensen
Professor of Bassoon
Division Head, Chamber & Collaborative -
Stephen Page
Associate Professor of Saxophone
Director of Undergraduate Studies -
Andrew Parker
Associate Professor of Oboe
Area Counselor, woodwinds -
Ebonee Thomas
Assistant Professor of Flute -
Ivan Trevino
Professor of Practice in Percussion -
Charles W Villarrubia
Professor of Tuba/Euphonium -
Tyler Webster
Lecturer in Clarinet
Music & Human Learning Faculty
Laura Bock
Teaching Assistant in Music and Human Learning
String Project Teacher, Early Childhood Education -
Greg Cavazos
Assistant Professor of Practice in Music and Human Learning -
Suzanne Charney
Teaching Assistant in Music & Human Learning -
Robert A. Duke
Director, Center for Music Learning -
Judith Jellison
Professor Emeritus of Music and Human Learning
Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus -
Jennifer McKeeman
Teaching Assistant in Music and Human Learning
String Project Instructor, violin -
Amy N. Melton
Assistant Instructor in Music & Human Learning -
Suzanne Pence
Director, Treble Chamber Choir
Associate Professor of Music and Human Learning, Choral Conducting -
Laurie Scott
Associate Professor of Music and Human Learning
Director, The University of Texas String Project
Director, Musical Lives -
Amy Simmons
Senior Lecturer in Music and Human Learning -
Justin J. West
Associate Professor of Music and Human Learning -
Marjorie Yankeelov
Lecturer in Music and Human Learning
Degree Requirements
Degree plans provide you with a list of all the courses that are required to earn a specific degree. You can use them to decide on a major, compare the differences in degrees, and to make informed decisions in choosing which courses to take each semester.
Undergraduate degree plans are available on the College of Fine Arts website.
Students in a Music Studies degree are required to do a Community Recital, in which the student arranges for a space off-campus independently. The recital must be at least 30 minutes in length. To schedule a Community Recital, please contact Prof. Amy Simmons for paperwork.
Alternatively, Music Studies students may apply to perform a Recognition in Music Performance Recital, provided they are enrolled in principal instrument course 260. This petition may be submitted during any semester in which the student is enrolled in principal instrument course 260. Students will then perform a Full Division Faculty Jury (FDFJ). After successfully passing the FDFJ, the student must present a recognition recital during the following academic year. The student may also enroll in Music 420R rather than principal instrument course 260 for the semester in which the Recognition Recital is to be given.
Bachelor of Music in Music Studies students must perform a 10-minute jury each spring semester enrolled in applied lessons (210 b/d and 260b). The jury is waived for any students that elect to perform a Recognition in Music Performance Recital while enrolled in 260b. All juries must include at least one selection with a collaborative pianist.
Some instructors may require students to announce their selections and/or talk about the music as part of the jury.
Postponements are allowed for extenuating circumstances (injury, death in the family, etc.). No-shows are considered a failure. If a jury is postponed, the student must perform the jury within the first twelve class days of the following semester and pass in order to advance to the next level.
Jury comments from faculty will be shared with students by the undergraduate advisor. The primary studio teacher assigns a jury grade which is combined with an applied lesson grade to determine the overall semester grade. Each studio professor determines the weight of the jury grade for their own students and clearly indicates this in their respective syllabi. For undergraduate juries, any student held at level by the jury committee may not receive a letter grade greater than a C from their studio instructor.
Find more information about this semester's juries, including FDFJ forms and deadlines.
For information about course registration, academic deadlines, adding and dropping courses, applying to graduate and other policies, visit the College of Fine Arts Student Affairs website.
Non-music majors should contact their home college’s advising office. Prospective students may contact the Music Admissions Office for assistance.
Music majors who wish to take a restricted individual instruction course need to fill out a Consent Form. Once the faculty member has approved your request, the bar to register for the course will be lifted. This form is available at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters and summer session registration periods, through the 12th class day (4th class day for summer sessions).
Music majors who wish to take an independent study course need to complete a Request Form. The request will be reviewed by the Director of Undergraduate Studies. If approved, the Academic Advisor for Music will add the independent study course for the student. This form is available every semester.
Important Links & Forms
College of Fine Arts Student Affairs
Advising, registration, and graduation information
Consent Form
For independent music study or other restricted individual instruction music courses
Degree Planning Resources
Information on transferring credits, interactive degree audit, UT Planner, and the graduation help desk
View your class schedule, see personalized financial aid and registration information, and more
Office of the Registrar
Course schedules, catalogs, and academic calendars
Merit-Based Music Scholarships
Campus Resources
Butler School Internal Operations
Information Technology Services
EID, DUO, Office 365, email, Qualtrics, Box, and other central IT support
Parking & Transportation
Including UT parking permits, maps, and shuttle routes
Career Assistance
Fine Arts Center for Creative Entrepreneurship
College of Fine Arts Resources
Community Engagement and Public Practice
Health & Wellness
Counseling and Mental Health Center