Senior Lecturer in Music and Human Learning
Amy Simmons is Senior Lecturer in Music and Human Learning at the Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music at The University of Texas at Austin where she teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in music education. Dr. Simmons’ ongoing research examines the development of expertise in music teaching and performance as well as motor learning. She currently serves as the Research Chair for the State of Texas with the National Association for Music Education and Chair of the Research Committee for the Texas Music Educators Association. In that role, she coordinates the online journal Texas Music Education Research and the Research Poster Session at the annual TMEA Clinic and Convention. Dr. Simmons served on the Editorial Board of the Journal for Research in Music Education and Texas Music Education Research. Before joining the faculty at UT Austin, she was a band director in the Lewisville Independent School District and performed as a professional oboist with ensembles in Austin and San Antonio.
EDC 332S
Designs for Instruction: Music
EDC 370S
Secondary School Subjects: Music
MUS 255F
Techniques of Woodwind Performance
MUS 255E
Techniques of Brass Performance
MUS 384J
Research in Music Education
MUS 391
Foundations of Music Education
MUS 393
Directed Research
Simmons, A. L., Allen, S. E., Cash, C. D., & Duke, R. A. (2019). Effects of early break intervals on musicians’ and nonmusicians’ skill learning. Psychology of Music, 47(1), 83-95.
Parrott, S. M. & Simmons, A. L. (2016). The role of program notes in nonmusicians’ enjoyment of choral music. Texas Music Education Research, 25-36.
Duke, R. A., Allen, S. E., Cash, C. D., & Simmons, A. L. (2015). Practice like a pro. Southwestern Musician, 83(6), 33-37.
Cash, C. D., Allen, S. E., Simmons, A. L., & Duke, R. A. (2014). Effects of model performances on music skill acquisition and overnight memory consolidation. Journal of Research in Music Education, 62, 89-99.
Contact Information
Email address
Campus location
MBE 2.204A
Teaching Areas
Music & Human Learning
Research Areas
Expertise in Music Teaching & Performance
Motor Learning
Doctor of Philosophy
The University of Texas at Austin
Master of Music
The University of Texas at Austin
Bachelor of Music
The University of Texas at Austin