The profound generosity of Sarah and Ernest Butler combined with outstanding support from our valued alumni, friends, foundation & corporate partners have catapulted the Butler School into the elite company of top music schools and conservatories.

Key Initiatives
To continue its growth and to support the 600-plus students at the school, the Butler School of Music has identified key fundraising initiatives where support is most critical.

Upgrades to our aging Facilities are essential to our academic mission.

Student Support
Support students' academic, creative and wellness pursuits.

Longhorn Band Legacy Fund
Help ensure the future of the Showband of the Southwest for future generations.

Annual gifts have a direct and immediate impact on the lives of our students.
How To Give
Gifts made today are invested with hope and expectations for the future. Learn more about the range of opportunities for ensuring continued excellence at the Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music.
Annual Fund
Make a difference today.
Foundation and Corporate Giving
Create meaningful partnerships.
Provide enduring support.
Make a Gift via Payroll Deduction
For The University of Texas at Austin faculty and staff.
Planned Gifts
Include the Butler School in your estate plan.
Give a Gift Today

Make a gift online. You can designate an area, or make a general gift.

U.S. Mail
Mail checks payable to The Butler School of Music to:
The University of Texas at Austin
Fine Arts - ATTN Development
2301 Trinity St.
>Stop D1400
Austin, TX 78712

Matching Gifts
Find out if your employer matches your gift to the Butler School of Music.

If you'd like to discuss a multi-year pledge, planned gift, or establishing an endowment, email Sondra Lomax Assistant Dean for Development, or reach out at 512.471.6468.
The Butler School wishes to thank our generous community of donors.