Degree Requirements - Jazz Studies - BM Jazz

Jazz Guitarist holding an electric guitar

Degree Requirements

JAzz Studies

BM • Jazz


The 4-year undergraduate Bachelor of Music (B.M.) in Jazz degree allows students to pursue an emphasis in jazz performance or jazz composition. All jazz majors participate in lessons and ensembles, and receive comprehensive instruction in jazz and classically-based music theory and music history. Students with an emphasis in composition enroll in jazz composition lessons in addition to lessons in their primary instrument. All jazz majors also complete the university’s core curriculum


Administrative Contacts

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Scholarships & Assistantships

Academic Advisor for Music

Assistant Director for Admissions

Operations & Scheduling


  • Paul Deemer

    Specialist in Jazz Trombone
  • John Fremgen

    Associate Professor of Jazz Studies, Double Bass
    Director, Alternative Improvisation Music Ensemble
    Division Head, Jazz Studies
  • Adam Jackson

    Lecturer in Drum Set
  • Ross Margitza

    Lecturer in Jazz Studies/Jazz Piano
  • Diego Rivera

    Director of Jazz Studies
    Director, Jazz Orchestra
    Professor of Jazz Studies & Jazz Saxophone
  • Mike Sailors

    Professor of Practice in Jazz Studies
  • Bruce Saunders

    Lecturer in Jazz Guitar
  • Omar Thomas

    Assistant Professor of Composition



Degree Requirements 

Degree plans provide you with a list of all the courses that are required to earn a specific degree. You can use them to decide on a major, compare the differences in degrees, and to make informed decisions in choosing which courses to take each semester. 

Undergraduate degree plans are available on the College of Fine Arts website. 


View Degree Plans



Bachelor of Music students in performance or composition degrees are required to perform a Senior Recital in the final year of study, after successfully passing the Full Division Faculty Jury (FDFJ).  

Jazz students and performance students with a focus in pedagogy are also required to perform a Junior Recital in the third year of study. Junior recitals are typically shorter and should never extend beyond an hour. 

Find recital scheduling procedures on the Butler School Operations website. 


Bachelor of Music in Jazz students with an emphasis in performance must perform juries throughout their four years of study. Students perform juries in combos and should prepare 5-6 minutes of music per student. Repertoire should be chosen in collaboration with instructors. 

Jury Requirements by Year
First Year

Juries required at the end of the fall and spring semesters. 


Second Year

Juries required at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Upper-advancement decisions will be made after the spring jury. 


Third Year

Jury required for one semester. No jury is required at the end of the semester in which student has performed a Junior Recital. 


Fourth Year

Jury required for one semester. No jury is required at the end of the semester in which student has performed a Senior Recital. 



Postponements are allowed for extenuating circumstances (injury, death in the family, etc.).  No-shows are considered a failure. If a jury is postponed, the student must perform the jury within the first twelve class days. 

Jury comments from faculty will be shared with students. The jury constitutes 50% of the semester grade for applied lessons and is determined by averaging individual grades of the jury panel (not including the primary studio teacher). 

Find more information about this semester's juries, including FDFJ forms and deadlines. 




For information about course registration, academic deadlines, adding and dropping courses, applying to graduate and other policies, visit the College of Fine Arts Student Affairs website

Non-music majors should contact their home college’s advising office. Prospective students may contact the Music Admissions Office for assistance. 

Music majors who wish to take a restricted individual instruction course need to fill out a Consent Form. Once the faculty member has approved your request, the bar to register for the course will be lifted. This form is available at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters and summer session registration periods, through the 12th class day (4th class day for summer sessions). 

Music majors who wish to take an independent study course need to complete a Request Form. The request will be reviewed by the Director of Undergraduate Studies. If approved, the Academic Advisor for Music will add the independent study course for the student. This form is available every semester. 




College of Fine Arts Student Affairs
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Consent Form
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