Degree Requirements - Voice & Opera - MM Voice Performance

A voice student holds a music folio and smiles into camera

Degree Requirements

Voice & Opera

MM • Voice Performance


The two-year Master of Music (M.M.) degree in Music Performance trains students as informed artist-performers. In addition to demonstrating technical mastery of their instrument or voice, students are expected to exhibit a thorough understanding of the theoretical, pedagogical, and historical aspects of the major, as well as a knowledge of the literature of their performance area.


Administrative Contacts

Graduate Advisor | Director of Graduate Studies

Scholarships & Assistantships

Graduate Admissions Coordinator

HR Coordinator

Graduate Coordinator

Operations & Scheduling

Division Contacts

Division Head, Voice & Opera

Area Counselor, Voice

Area Counselor, Opera




Degree Requirements

The M.M. in Voice Performance requires 30 hours of registered coursework, a comprehensive examination, and a recital.

Major Coursework

Major Coursework for the M.M. in Voice Performance
Hours Course Number Course Title/Description
8 VOI 480  Graduate Performance (2 semesters) 

MUS 698RA and 
MUS 698RB 

Master’s Recital (2 semesters) 

The recital may be performed at any time during the third or fourth semester. 

3 MUS 379K or
MUS 387L 
Song Literature or The Solo Song 

MUS 280R or 
MUS 281P 

Problems in Performance Practice: Vocal Repertoire or 
Voice Pedagogy 

A comprehensive examination is required of all master’s degree candidates, usually in the final semester. 

Supporting Work 

Supporting Coursework for the M.M. in Voice Performance
Hours Course Number Course Title/Description

MUS 398T 
MUS 388T 
MUS 388M 3 

Pedagogy of Music Theory or 
Analytical Techniques or
Contemporary Styles and Techniques 

2 ENS 18x 

Problems in Performance Practice 

Vocal Ensemble or Opera Theatre (2 semesters) 


Semester hours chosen from the following: 

MUS 379K/387L, Music Literature other than Song Literature 
MUS 380, Advanced Studies in the History and Culture of Music 
Upper-division or graduate-level courses in music theory, Music & Human Learning, or related fields outside of music. 


Master’s Recital 

Students must perform a public degree recital in their second year.  

Find recital scheduling procedures on the Butler School Operations website. 


Master’s students in Vocal performance/Literature and Pedagogy and Opera Performance must perform a 10-minute jury for during the first two semesters of study. Repertoire should consist of advanced art songs and arias, chosen in collaboration with the student’s instructor. All jury repertoire must be memorized.

Students should provide a “jury sheet” for all of the faculty with the repertoire they have prepared. Students are required to give minute synopsis for each selection from the stage.

Postponements are allowed for extenuating circumstances (injury, death in the family, etc.).  No-shows are considered a failure. If a jury is postponed, the student must perform the jury within the first twelve class days of the following semester.

Jury comments from faculty will be shared with students.

Find more information about this semester's juries, including FDFJ forms and deadlines. 



Advising & Registration

For information about course registration, deadlines, adding and dropping courses and other policies, visit the Graduate School Academic & Registration Policies webpage.

Students who wish to take an independent study course need to fill out a Consent Form. Once the faculty member and Graduate Coordinator have approved your request, the bar to register for the course will be lifted.

To be eligible for fellowships, scholarships and assistantships, graduate students are required to be enrolled full-time (at least 9 hours).

All international students are also required to be enrolled full-time during each long semester, regardless of whether they receive funding from the Butler School of Music.

View a List of Upcoming Courses offered by Musicology & Ethnomusicology

Transferring Coursework

A new master’s student may petition to transfer up to six credits of graduate level coursework completed at another institution, subject to approval by both the Butler School of Music Graduate Studies Committee chair and the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Detailed transfer regulations and forms for master’s students are maintained by the Graduate School.



Graduation Timeline

Semester-by-Semester Overview

Prior to 1st semester

  • All students must take the diagnostic examinations in music history and music theory. Additional diagnostic exams are administered for students in composition, voice, jazz and music theory.

Semester 3

  • Registration for the following if required – MUS 698RA, 698A.
  • M.M. Piano Performance students take their group comprehensive exam.
  • With the approval of their studio teacher, some performance area students may perform their thesis recital.

Semester 4

  • Students must submit a completed M.M. degree check form to verify their completion of coursework.
  • Students must apply to graduate – check graduate school website for deadline.
  • Registration for the following if required – MUS 698RB, 698B, 398M.
  • M.M. String students take their group comprehensive exam.
  • All other students take individual comprehensive exams as arranged by their studio teacher (for performance area students) or their supervising professor (for academic area students).
  • Most performance area students perform their thesis recital.
  • M.M. Music & Human Learning – Non-Thesis Track complete their master’s project.
  • M.M. Music Theory, M.M. Music & Human Learning – Thesis Track and M.M. Composition students complete their master’s thesis or master’s report and submit it to the Graduate School.
  • M.M. Ethnomusicology and M.M. Musicology students complete their master’s report and submit it to the Graduate School.



BSOM Graduate Handbook 2024-2025


Office of Graduate Studies
Including fellowship, employment, and TA and AI information

Texas Global, International Student Scholars

Graduate Catalog

Academic Calendars

Graduate Writing Center

Registration, course schedules, registration bars, etc


Consent Form for independent study or other restricted individual instruction courses

One-stop shop for tuition bill, your course schedule, etc….


Texas One-Stop

Office of Financial Aid

Merit-Based Music Scholarships

Graduate Student Travel Award Application

School of Music Travel Award Application

TA and AI Assistance – Tuition Reduction Benefit

Living in TX as a new student

Establishing Residence in Texas

Campus Housing

On-Campus Procedural Info

Butler School Internal Operations Website

Parking & Transportation
UT parking permits, maps, shuttle routes, etc.

Information Technology Services
UT EID help

Health & Wellness


UT Health Services

Musicians’ Health

Career Assistance

COFA Career Services



For Master's students

For DMA/PhD students

For Artist Diploma students

General forms