
Susan Thomas

Director, Butler School of Music

MRH 3.834B

Ebonee Thomas

Assistant Professor of Flute

MRH 5.292

Ivan Trevino

Professor of Practice in Percussion

MRH 6.222

Bion Tsang

Professor of Cello

Division Head, Strings

MRH 5.108

John Turci-Escobar

Assistant Professor of Instruction in Theory

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies

MRH 3.742

Colette T Valentine

Associate Professor of Collaborative Piano

MRH M3.112

Tyler Webster

Lecturer in Clarinet

MRH 3.602

Justin J. West

Assistant Professor of Music and Human Learning

MRH 2.204B

Andrew Malilay White

Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Theory

Grace Hill Milam Centennial Fellow in Fine Arts

MRH 3.712

Patti Wolf

Assistant Professor of Practice in Collaborative Piano

MRH 4.176

Sandy Yamamoto

Associate Professor of Practice in Violin Performance

MRH 5.120

Marjorie Yankeelov

Lecturer in Music and Human Learning

MRH 3.204