Andrew Malilay White


a headshot of Andrew white

Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Theory Grace Hill Milam Centennial Fellow in Fine Arts

Andrew Malilay White is an artist and scholar specializing in improvised music. He is a Filipino American born in Guam and first began studying music at the University of Guam. His research focuses on how nineteenth-century music-makers learned to improvise and compose: that is, what exercises and practices they used on a daily basis. Andrew's chapter on Clara Schumann's textual practice and early variation sets is forthcoming in the Oxford Handbook of Musical Variation and Thematic Processes (2025). He has presented papers on throughbass theory in the early 1800s, on piano exercises and technical skill from a textual perspective, and on stylistic allusions to yodeling within 18th-century keyboard music. Andrew is also an active creator of live-coded electronic music.

MUS 388T 
Analytical Techniques 

MUS 321J 
Twentieth Century Music Analysis

Contact Information

Campus location
MRH 3.712

Teaching Areas

Music Theory

Research Areas

Textual Studies 
Skill Acquisition


Doctor of Philosophy
University of Chicago 

Master of Arts
University of Chicago 

Master of Music
New York University

Bachelor of Arts 
University of Notre Dame