Butler Opera Center Season 15-16

two women stand in a dressing room, doing a dance number

Season 2015-16

Butler Opera Center

Hansel & Gretel • At the Statue of Venus • Three Decembers • Dialogues of the Carmelites

a witch stands on stage in ornate dress surrounded by shadowy figures.
October 2015

Music by
Engelbert Humperdinck

Libretto by
Adelheid Wette

Photos by Daniel Cavasos

Hansel and Gretel sit on the floor with a table and chair behind them.
Hansel sits at a table, wresting his head in one hand listening to Gretel who stands near him. A clothesline full of sheets and clothes is behind them.
Gretel stands amid an epic forest set, holding a map and looking uncertain and frightened.
a man stands at a small table, taking a drink of liquor.
Hansel places a crown of flowers on Gretel's head in the woods.
A woman stands dressed in white, with an elaborate headdress and scepter
Hansel and Gretel find a tiny house in the woods, smaller than either of them.
A witch has Hansel hooked up to machinery, a hose runs into his mouth.
Hansel and Gretel stand in the witch's house, behind them is a furnace, holding a body inside, and a large group of children who have just been freed.
A woman sits at the Statue of Venus, looking off into the distance.
At the Statue of Venus
February 2016

Music by
Jake Heggie

Libretto by
Terrence McNally

Photos by Nathan Russell

a woman sitting at the Statue of Venus
A woman stands, clutching a garment to her chest, the statue of Venus is behind her.
A Man in a tuxedo and a woman in a dressing robe stand near a wardrobe and a night stand.
Three Decembers
February 2016

Music by 
Jake Heggie

Libretto by  
Gene Scheer

Photos by Nathan Russell

One opposites of the stage a woman and man sit, talking on phones. A Christmas tree is on the right side of the stage.  Center stage behind them a woman in a moo moo stands with arms outstretched in front of a projection of a tropical beach
A woman in. along sequence gown and gloves performs a vaudeville number on stage.
A woman sits sideways on a chair, looking nostalgic, in the background behind her an actress sits at a makeup table, with wig removed, working on her makeup.
A woman in a silk robe points angrily at a man also in a silk robe, clutching a bottle of champagne. He looks surprised at the woman't accusation.
A woman and man in silk robes dance like no one is watching.
A woman cuddles up to a man, resting her head on his shoulder. They are standing in winter coats and scarves on the Golden Gate Bridge.
a Man and woman on the Golden Gate Bridge, the man shakes his head and holds his hand out at the woman, as if he rejects what she's saying to him.
a Priest stands alone in a pool of light on a dark stage, shadows of unseen people are cast on warm orange walls in the background.
April 2016

Music By 
Francis Poulenc

Libretto By 
Francis Poulenc

Photos by Nathan Russell

a group of nuns huddle together in dark light, hands clasped in prayer, looking up to the heavens.
a nun looks at a woman wearing a simple dress and a shawl. The woman looks very frightened.
A nun kneels and prays in the foreground, a woman in a hospital bed is in the background.
An angry nun raises her hand to strike another nun who is cowering beside her.
Nuns take over the stage, wearing white cloaks over their usual brown robes, the woman in the foreground sings an arial
Two nuns wear only their undergarments. One leads the other up a staircase toward a bight white light, as if ascending into heaven.
Three tiers of nuns kneel and stand over each other looking at a small music box in the foreground.
In the foreground a few figures in white gowns stand very still, their heads covered in black shawls.  In the background, out of focus, the final nun ascends a staircase into heaven.