Longhorn Big Sing


Concert Chorale engaged in conversations on the UT campus

Drs. J.D. Burnett and Suzanne Pence invite high school students to sing with The University of Texas at Austin choirs for a day! 

longhorn life

Spend a whole day on campus at the University of Texas singing with other high school students just like you, and living a day of college life as Longhorn.

Meet Professors

At Longhorn Big Sing you will make connections with all the Choral and Vocal Studies professors, work
with Butler School of Music students, and enjoy the energy and spirit on our campus. 

Spirit of Singing

Enjoy performances by Butler School of Music singers of all ages, the award-winning Texas Choirs, and sing in a concert with other high school students from all over the state. 


11:30am – Check-in

12:00pm – Rehearsal with Dr. Burnett and Dr. Pence

1:10pm – Brief recital by Butler School voice students

1:45pm – Rehearsal with Dr. Burnett and Dr. Pence

3:30pm – Rehearsal with all singers

4:40pm – UT choirs perform in Bates Recital Hall

5:00pm – Informal final concert with all singers in Bates Recital Hall

5:30pm – Dismissal

Register Now 

Longhorn Big Sing is only $25 per student. Register your group now.


Event Status

Registration is $25, which includes a t-shirt to take home.

Registration deadline is September 13.

Event Types
Vocal Arts

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