Constanza Fuentes Landaeta


Constanza Fuentes Landaeta smiling at the camera.

Teaching Assistant in Ethnomusicology

Constanza Fuentes Landaeta is a Chilean scholar in her third year of Ph.D. in ethnomusicology, where she is a student of Dr. Robin Moore. She is a music educator, arrangement, composer, and ethnomusicologist specializing in Chilean cumbia analysis and notation in popular music. Constanza graduated with honors from the Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile), receiving a bachelor’s degree in music education. In addition, she holds a diploma in instrumental arrangements and composition of popular music at Escuela Moderna de Música (Chile), distinguished with unanimous excellence. She also obtained her master’s degree in musicology and music education at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain). Constanza has presented her work about Chilean cumbia at conferences at the International Association for the Study of Popular Music–Latin American Brach (2020), Society for Ethnomusicology 68th Annual Meeting (2023), III Congreso de Etnomusicología y I Foro Transdisciplinario de Música, Educación e Intervención Social de la FaM-UNAM (2023) and several Chilean institutions. She has won various awards, such as Doctorado Becas Chile 2022 by the National Agency for Research and Development and Fondo para el Fomento de la Música Nacional by the Ministery of Cultures, Arts and Patrimony in Chile, in order to publish her first book titled Cumbia Chilena: Registros y Partituras de Los Vikings 5, which will be published in 2024 by Editorial Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Additionally, Constanza won first prize in the composition competition led by the University of Santiago Orchestra (Orquesta USACH) with her work Suite Chilena, which will be performed in 2025 by this prominent orchestra in Chile.

MUS 303M 
Introduction to Music in World Cultures

Contact Information

Campus location
MRH 3.404


Teaching Areas

Musicology & Ethnomusicology


Master of Music 
Universitad Autonama de Barcelona

Bachelor of Music 
Universidad Andres Bello

