Resonating Cultures: Claire Chiang's Performance in Taiwan


June 17, 2024

Claire Chiang playing piano on stage

Claire Chiang, a double major in Piano Performance and Neuroscience, was invited to perform at the 100th anniversary of the China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture at National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. Claire, originally from Plano, TX, studies under the guidance of Professor Anton Nel. Throughout her career, Claire has garnered numerous awards for piano performance, with her most recent accomplishment being the Butler School Concerto Competition, a rare feat for an undergraduate student. Despite her busy schedule, Claire frequently returns with her parents to Taiwan to visit her grandparents and family.

The China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture was established a century ago through a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress, signed by President Calvin Coolidge in 1924. This resolution remitted a substantial "indemnity" owed by China as reparations to the Eight-Nation Alliance following the Boxer Rebellion. Despite facing challenges such as Japan's invasion of China, World War II, and a civil war, the foundation persevered, playing a crucial role in the creation of National Tsing Hua University, now one of Taiwan's foremost research universities.

Today, the China Foundation maintains close ties with the University of Texas at Austin. Notable figures such as Professor Douglas Dempster, former dean of the College of Fine Arts and a professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance, serve on the foundation's board. Additionally, Robert "Rob" Parker, a distinguished University of Texas Law School alumnus and retired international lawyer, contributes his expertise. Parker's efforts in establishing the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 earned him Taiwan's highest national honor, The Order of the Brilliant Star. 

Claire Chiang with her brother and mother

Claire Chiang with her mother, Shwu-Yuan Wu, and her brother, William

Claire's performance at National Tsing Hua University was met with enthusiasm by a large audience, which included her mother, Shwu-Yuan Wu, and her brother, William, a DMA candidate in Piano Performance. 

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Faculty Students Awards & Grants Keyboard Piano