Anne Hall Announces Her Retirement After 28 Years at Butler


August 13, 2024

Anne Hall sitting behind a desk

Walking into Butler Scholarship and Assistantship Coordinator Anne Hall’s office is an amazing experience. The level of organization is truly out of this world. She must be that organized because things could go awry if she made a mistake. She has overseen all scholarships, grants, and funding for Butler students. Fortunately for us, everything has run smoothly under her watch for the past 28 years, allowing us to grow and attract top music students from around the globe.

Anne joined Butler in 1996 after several years in a different department at the university. She initially worked in various positions within the music school before assuming her current role. She was appointed to this position due to her exceptional ability to manage the colossal task of overseeing student funding—a job that demands the patience of a monk and the organization of a celebrity wedding planner. Her organizational system is meticulous, with every piece of paper color-coded into multiple categories. She also maintains a "to-do list" in a spiral-bound notebook on her desk. “This is my to-do list for today,” she said, flipping through three pages of densely handwritten notes.

A notebook filled with handwriting

One of three pages of Anne Hall's To-Do list for the day

Reflecting on her career, Anne cites the people as the best part of her job. “I’ve seen many people come and go here,” she recalls, “and they’ve all been nice and wonderful.” When I questioned whether everyone could have been nice, she admitted, “When I first started, there were a few grumpy professors,” but she quickly added, “even they were always nice to me.” Anne credits much of her success and enjoyment at Butler to working with Bob Duke, who managed the faculty side of the funding distribution.

Anne has exciting plans for retirement. She and her husband of 45 years, Bruce, have purchased a 12-foot, 1958 trailer and have trips planned to notable destinations like Yosemite and Colorado, along with numerous smaller trips to campgrounds across Texas. “I’ve been tent camping my whole life, but I’m too old for that now,” she said, adding that her trailer has a mattress, a heater, and air conditioning.

A camper trailer in the woods

Anne Hall's 1958 Camper Trailer

Anne has three children and two grandchildren. Two of her children and both of her grandchildren live just south of Austin in Buda and Kyle, and she plans to spend a lot of time with her grandchildren, with whom she is very close. An avid fisher, Anne recently taught her 4-year-old granddaughter how to fish.

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Alumni Faculty Staff Students Awards & Grants

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