Leah Crocetto, soprano & Tamar Sanikidze, piano

Women's Voices


Black and white portraits of soprano Leah Crocetto and pianist Tamar Sanikidze in front of a magenta and black background.




E Susanna non vien…Dove Sono I bei momenti from Le Nozze di Figaro

Clara Schumann

3 Gedichte aus Rückerts “Liebesfrühling," Op.12

1. Er ist gekommen
2. Liebst du um Schönheit
3. Warum willst du and’re fragen



Tu Che Le Vanità    Don Carlo 




Amy Beach 

Three Browning Songs
1. The Year’s at the Spring
2. Ah! Love But a Day
3. I Send my Heart Up to Thee



Opus 34

1. Muza
14. Vocalise
12. Kakoe Schast’e



Era Piu Calmo…Salce salace…Ave Maria (Act 4) from Otello

Event Status


All University of Texas at Austin students are allowed one free ticket as long as they are available. Student tickets must be picked up at the Box Office with valid student I.D. Seating is unassigned.

If you are a patron with ADA needs, please email tickets@mail.music.utexas.edu and we will reserve ADA seating for you.

Event Types
Keyboard Opera Vocal Arts

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