Javanese Gamelan Ensemble


Midiyanto, guest artist
Stephen Slawek, director


Midiyanto is a renowned Javanese musician and eleventh-generation dalang (puppetmaster). He has performed for over 20 years in Indonesia, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore. Born in Wonogiri, a rural district in the south central part of Java, Indonesia, Midiyanto went on to study gamelan and shadow puppetry at the Sekolah Tinggi Seni Karawitan (Indonesian Academy of Musical Arts) in Surakarta, Java before venturing abroad to teach, including ten years in Portland, as the gamelan director at Lewis & Clark College. In addition to directing the UC Berkeley gamelan ensemble, Midiyanto has worked with the Portland ensemble as a visiting director and guest artist to Emory University, Yale University, North Carolina University, Chicago University, Arizona State University, San Diego State University, Colorado University, the Embassy of Indonesia in Washington, D.C., Consulate General of Indonesia in New York, Lafayette University, Tufts University, South Dakota Museum, Space City Gamelan, University of Hawaii, University of Washington, Oregon State University, the ArtCar Museum of Houston and many more. 

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