Gary Ferguson: Pathways to Performance Mastery


Pre and Post Performance and Audition Routines

Gary Jobe Ferguson is an inspirational teacher, healer, and coach who has been assisting people in the actualization of their creative potential since healing himself of cancer in 1993. At the time Gary was diagnosed, he was the principal trumpet player in the State Orchestra of Mexico. Through his cancer journey, he felt compelled to learn numerous healing modalities including mind-body medicine and kinesiology in order to support cancer patients in their healing process. After 24 years of working in the health and wellness industry, Gary has now come full circle back into the world of music, applying his vast experience to the field of performance enhancement. He has designed a revolutionary new program to help musicians actualize their gifts and experience greater creative freedom. His performance enhancement coaching is an outgrowth of his many years of studying with world class musicians, leaders in depth and somatic psychology, and pioneers in mind-body medicine and specialized kinesiology. Gary works one-on-one with clients, is a dynamic public speaker and trainer, and teaches classes and workshops on health and wellness, performance enhancement, personal growth, and self-transformation.

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