Rick Palese, tenor steel pan
Island Riffs by Lennard V. Moses
Dr. Michael Domjan, psychology
Viola Concerto in D Major by Franz Hoffmeister
Julie Stephens and Brian Bistolfo, recorder
Bach Minuet, arr. Lee
La Morisque, by Tielman Susato, arr. Hopkins
Happy Broncos Fans Play Recorder by Josh McDaniel, arr. Elway
Laura Bock, flute
Danse de la Chevre by Arthur Honneger
Daniel Cutchen, guitar
Kathy's Song by Paul Simon
Travis Johnson, guitar
And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon by Bryan Johanson
Dr David Gilden, Gilden Lab, psychology
Klezmer Group
American Dreamer
Sasha Klare-Ayvasian, guitar/vocals
Audrey Lee, violin
Courtney Castañeda, cello
Rick Palese, percussion