Xuan Qin

A headshot of Xuan Qin

Ph.D. candidate in Musicology

Xuan Qin is a doctoral candidate in Musicology at the University of Texas, Austin. She received her Master’s Degree from the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami in 2015, after earning a Bachelor of Arts in Music from Central Conservatory of Music in China. Her primary research interests include nineteenth century opera and gestural performance.

Xuan won the Eileen Southern Travel Grants from AMS in 2013 to attend the annual conference at Pittsburgh. Her paper “Alienation between Music and Poetry: On Cultural Misunderstanding in Alexander Tcherepnin’s Musical Setting of the Chinese Poem Drink Song” was accepted by International Graduate Student Conference in 2014 under the auspices of the International Musicological Society. Her Master’s Thesis titled “Ornament and Gesture – Approaches to Studying Bellini’s Norma and Giuditta Pasta’s Performance.” She presented one part of her thesis in the AMS Southern Chapter in 2014.

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