Ph.D. Candidate in Ethnomusicology
Vicky Mogollón Montagne (she/ella) is a Ph.D. candidate in Ethnomusicology. Her dissertation explores the convergences among music, sound, and violence in the lives of espiritistas marialionceros (religious practitioners) and afro-venezuelan tambor musicians in contemporary Caracas, Venezuela. Her work advances a Caribbeanist perspective within Venezuelan studies through the lenses of affect theory, sensory ethnography, and sound studies. Vicky’s formal engagement with music started as a classically-trained flutist in El Sistema. She was a member of the National Flute Orchestra of Venezuela and the National Children’s Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela (2010), and served as a music educator for El Sistema programs in Venezuela and Denver, Colorado for three years. Additionally, she completed one year of training at the Herencia tambor school in Caracas, Venezuela.
She holds a B.A. in Music and a minor in Italian (2016) from the University of Denver, and a M.Mus. in Advanced Musical Studies (2017) from Royal Holloway, University of London. At the University of Texas at Austin she worked as assistant instructor and teaching assistant for several courses in the Butler School of Music. She was also assistant editor for the Latin American Music Review, and editorial assistant for Sound Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. As Latino Museum Studies Program fellow at the Smithsonian (NMAL), Vicky created “Queens of Latin Music” a free, online accompanying material for the Entertainment Nation exhibit at NMAH.
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Bachelor of Arts in Music
University of Denver
Master of Music
Royal Holloway, University of London