Guido Olivieri

Guido Olivieri headshot

Professor of Instruction in Musicology

Musicologist Guido Olivieri, teaches history of music and directs the UT Early Music Ensemble “Austinato.” Before joining the faculty at the Butler School of Music, Olivieri has been a Research Fellow at the University of Liverpool (UK) and at The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America at Columbia University, and a Mellon Fellow and Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan.

His articles in scholarly journals and collective volumes have focused on the developments of string sonata in the 18th century, investigating aspects of performance practice, musical patronage, and reconstructing the cultural relationships between Naples and other European capitals. His groundbreaking research - conducted mainly on unknown archival sources and overlooked repertory - has significantly contributed to the revival of interest on Neapolitan instrumental music and musicians.

He has co-edited a volume on A. Corelli’s music and contributed entries to The New Grove Dictionary of Music, the MGG, and the Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani. Olivieri has presented at meetings of the AMS, the IMS, and the Italian Musicological Society, and has given lectures at academic institutions in the US and Europe. In Spring 2018 he was the Robert M. Trotter Visiting Distinguished Professor at the University of Oregon. He is currently president of the Society for Eighteenth-Century Music.

Olivieri has always championed the importance of making available musicological research to the general public. He has realized editions of the repertory he rediscovered and worked with international artists and ensembles specialized in early music. He has contributed to more than 10 CD projects and published the critical edition of a newly discovered manuscript sonatas by A. Corelli (Le sonate da camera di Assisi) and of two unknown cello sonatas by G. Bononcini (available at: His current projects include the critical edition of Cimarosa’s masterwork Il matrimonio segreto (Bärenreiter).


Arcomelo 2013. Studi in occasione del terzo centenario della morte di Arcangelo Corelli. Guido Olivieri and Marc Vanscheeuwijck, eds. (LIM, 2015).

Musica. Manuale disciplinare, co-authored with Claudia Calì and Luisa Nardini. (Edizioni Simone, October 2020) (textbook).

G. Francone, 10 Passacagli for cello. Co-edited with Giovanna Barbati (HH Editions, 2021).

Giovanni Bononcini, Sinfonie per violoncello (Società Editrice di Musicologia, 2019).

A. Corelli Le sonate da camera di Assisi. Critical Edition. Co-edited with E. Gatti eds. (LIM, 2015), 7-22.

Articles and Book Chapters

“Un manoscritto inedito di Antonio Guida per violoncello: un esempio di didattica napoletana del Settecento” Studi musicali, n.s. 12/1 (2021).

The Early History of the Violoncello in Naples: Giovanni Bononcini, Rocco Greco and Gaetano Francone in a Forgotten Manuscript Collection” Eighteenth-Century Music Journal 18/1 (2021): 65-97.

Due sonate per violoncello di Giovanni Bononcini in un manoscritto napoletano,” in I Bononcini: da Modena all’Europa, ed. M. Vanscheeuwijck (Libreria Musicale Italiana, 2020): 71-81.

Prassi e didattica del violoncello nella Napoli del Settecento: un bilancio degli studi,” in Gli esordi del violoncello a Napoli e in Europa tra Sei e Settecento, ed. D. Fabris (Cafagna, 2020): 117-128.

“La musica strumentale a Napoli,” in Storia della musica e dello spettacolo a Napoli. Il Seicento, ed. P. Maione (Turchini Edizioni, 2020): 1493-1535.

Naturalezza o artificio: riflessioni su improvvisazione e virtuosismo italiani in Francia nel Settecento,” in Musical Improvisation in the Baroque Era, ed. F. Morabito (Brepols, 2019): 287-99.

“Michele Mascitti” Rivista Musica 33 (2019): 99-100.

Toward a Critical Edition of Il matrimonio segreto by Bertati-Cimarosa: History Sources and Documents,” co-authored with Federico Gon, in Commedia e musica al tramonto dell’Ancien Régime. Cimarosa Paisiello e i maestri europei, ed. A. Caroccia (Libreria Musicale Italiana, 2017): 283-94.

“Stylistic Influences of Arcangelo Corelli’s Music on the Neapolitan Violin Sonata Repertory” Basler Jahrbuch für Historische Musikpraxis 37 (2016): 211-36.

“Notizie storiche sul violoncellista Francesco Paolo Supriano” Acquaviva. Rivista di storia e arte Terra di Bari 1 (2016): 148-156.

“Le ‘Sonate da camera’ di Assisi: una nuova fonte corelliana?” in Arcomelo 2013. Studi in occasione del terzo centenario della nascita di Arcangelo Corelli, eds. G. Olivieri and M. Vanscheeuwijck (Libreria Musicale Italiana, 2015): 31-54.


MUS 380.4
Advanced Studies in the History and Culture of Music: The Eighteenth Century

MUS 380.2
Advanced Studies in the History and Culture of Music: Renaissance

MUS 38
Reference and Research Materials in Music

MUS 385J
Institutions and Careers in 18th-Century Italy

MUS 387
History of the Concerto in the Eighteenth-Century

MUS 379
History of the Concerto in the Eighteenth-Century (Writing flag)

MUS 387
History of the Sonata in the Eighteenth-Century

MUS 379
Italian Opera & Society

MUS 379
The Symphony in the 18th Century

MUS 387
Sacred Music of the Eighteenth Century

MUS 387
Performance Practices from Corelli to Mozart

MUS 331J
Italian for Musicians

MUS 385J/387
Music and Alterity

Contact Information


Campus location
MRH 3.130


Teaching Areas

Musicology & Ethnomusicology

Research Areas

18th-century music, Italy, France, Mexico

Archival Studies

Performance Practices

Public Musicology


Doctor of Philosophy
University of California at Santa Barbara

Diploma Violin
Conservatorio di Salerno (Italy)

Bachelor of Arts
Università degli Studi "Federico II" Napoli (Italy)