Anna Marinela Lopez


a headshot of Anna Lopez

Teaching Assistant in Musicology

Anna Lopez is a doctoral student in Historical Musicology at the University of Texas at Austin whose research focuses on American wind bands/ensembles and its place in American culture. She is the recipient of the 2022 Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarly Creative Activities and Research Award for her thesis “David Maslanka’s Symphony No. 4 and the Wind Band/Ensemble as an American Institution.” 

Lopez has presented her work at numerous conferences around the nation: “Of Our New Day Begun: The Importance of The American Wind Band and Its Repertory in the Western Classical Music Canon” at the Midwest Graduate Music Consortium (2022), “David Maslanka’s Symphony No. 4 and the Wind Band/Ensemble as an American Institution” at the Pacific Southwest Chapter of the American Musicological Society Chapter Meeting (2022), and “(In)Visible Strings: The Filipino American Identity in Classical Music” at the Asian Classical Music Initiative International Conference (2023). She also gave numerous pre-concert lectures for the wind ensembles at California State University, Fullerton. 

Her other research interests include film music, popular music, specifically the music of Taylor Swift, and musical theater. She is currently the Historical Musicology Colloquium Representative of the Association of Graduate Ethno/Musicology Students (AGEMS) at UT Austin and the Assistant Editor of the Journal of the Society for American Music (JSAM).

She completed her master’s degree in Music History and Literature from California State University, Fullerton (2022), where she also obtained a bachelor’s degree in Flute Performance (2020).

MUS 213M 
History of Music I

UGS 303 
Global Pop

Contact Information

Campus location
MRH 3.506

Teaching Areas


Research Areas

American wind bands and ensembles

American music

popular music

operetta/musical theater

film music

Areas of Assistance

Staff & admin based


Doctor of Philosophy
The University of Texas (in progress) 

Master of Arts
California State University, Fullerton 

Bachelor of Music
California State University, Fullerton